For Model T54W 

1. Login to the Web GUI of your phone. Just type the IP on your browser and copy over the password from 3CX under Extension > Select Extension Phone Provisioning > Phone Page Password. Username default for all Yealink phones is admin.

2. Upon logging in to the phone's Web GUI, navigate to Settings > Ring. You will see several Internal Ringer Options.

3. The ring tab will show the Internal Ringer options used by the phone. To change the ringtone, edit the ringer with the Text value of "external".

4. Select a value from the dropdown for "File". Unfortunately, there's no real time way to test each ring.wav files, so you would have to save the option first and call your phone to check if that's your desired ringtone.

5. When you're all set, click "Confirm" and the phone will apply the new settings. It might take a while for the process to complete. DO NOT close the window until it is done or the provisioning may fail and cause issues on your phone.